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  • Writer's pictureSANGMIN LIM

[Thoughts on Science] How do you decide on a college or grad school?

We often see the rankings of schools (or specific grad schools) from USnews or Forbes. Regular people (who are not working in the field of Academia or Science) might think the ranking is based on how good the education that they receive is in the view of students.

However, it is only partially correct. The reason why people go to University is to learn new things (or often to get degrees from that particular school). Therefore, they just blindly follow school ranking expecting the best learning environment in the world.

However, the ranking also includes the measure of "state-of-the-art" -ness of the subjects that they teach in the University. This implies that the students attending the school can learn a better, new, state-of-the-art technology or idea in that school. Often these new scientific discoveries are only possible using high tech instruments or methods. Now all of these aforementioned quality connects to the quality of "Education". However, people often forget that the researchers who are good at developing these novel concepts are not always born to be good teachers.

Good universities, therefore, are an environment that you can take advantage of; only if you are focused on digging deep into the interest of your own. Don't mistake it for a great school that would spoon feed you everything. Get in there, get the most out of it.

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