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  • Writer's pictureSANGMIN LIM

Quantum computing and the future of science

From the APS March 2022, what I have learned despite the knowledge and discussion on the physics of my interest (biomechanics and fluid), was that the quantum instruments are gaining immense focus in industry and research.

I am not an expert on this, yet to my knowledge quantum computing is the computational mechanism that was driven by how Quantum bits interact with the world, which are probabilistic in nature due to the fact the measurement kills the probability. The approach is therefore innately stochastic, using the interference the quantum computer scientists are trying to develop algorithms that can provide us with a good answer that shows highest probability on the correct answer. The benefit of quantum computing is that the solution can parallely exist for a multi-step problem. This will greatly reduce the current algorithmic approach, from factorization to many things stemming from its theoretical ability.

However, as the thought progressed through the benefits and possible vulnerabilities that such technology can provide, one doubt came up to my mind. The fact that everything is now being done inside a computer.

In reality, computer is a solving machine, or calculator. However, if we cannot define the problems to solve, they are useless. I do not believe that we have a physical answer to all the questions that nature poses. The physical explanation and answers to nature, finding out its relations and structuring the questions are the things that computer cannot learn on their own. Therefore, with the development of a country or a society, to understand and find the "useful" technology that can make another breakthrough as the computer made, is to look into nature to find the questions that we can ask and develop.

Humans surprisingly know so little about the nature itself and how organisms work and grow. Even if we think we know how things work, there are so many that we accept as a fact rather than trying to physically explain things in biological world. I firmly believe that this era of computer based science will soon be a good tool (already is) for the people who understand and formulate the problems of nature based science. The fact that great amount of scientific interest now is focused on computers and its science will have to change in a certain degree. As mesmerizing as it is, we need to understand that the computers are only tools for computation. We humans need to be the one who asks that question and seek the question from the nature.

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